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Monday, July 30, 2012

Build a Exercise Routine to First Answer for the Question: How Do I Get Confidence ?!

First Answer to the Famous Question: How do I Get Confidence?!

You want a good Self-Confidence and Attract Everyone Around You Easy with your Attitude and Positive Energy? Then Keep Reading and make a Exercise Routine to these methods bellow.

Here i will describe you couple practical examples that will serve you to to increase your self-confidence a lot ! I am not able to BOLD that much how much its important to work on increasing your self-confidence. If you think a bit deeper for a moment, you will see that lower self-confidence is reason for anxiety and panic attacks also, beside of  other bad things that comes with bad self-confidence like: you can't approach the woman you love, you can't say your thoughts loudly, you are always the guy/girl that need to obey something, you are very bad commander, manager, administrator... Well you've heard all these from before already... so if you want to improve yourself... the methods that i explain bellow should be a exercise routine for your brain every day. Read these techniques every day... and PRACTICE THEM ! Without practicing... you can read 100 times this article / day and still you won't achieve anything.
Okay enough talking lets move on to the techniques.

  • Ask yourself: What is the worse result that can happen in a given situation?
Pretty often we care about things that won't even happen in reality - we care in advance. Its very important to channel our energy from care into something more useful, more creative, for example, to create better connections with other people, to make progress in our career, etc
  •  Disarm that Negative Voice inside of you!
Negative thinking that you probably practice, its keeping your self-confidence on low levels constantly. Imagine that you have Volume Bar in your head (like on some mp3 / CD player) and try to lower that voice to minimum or zero. You will do that if you keep practicing to not take for granted everything that the negative voice is telling to you. Its very necessary to not take serious that negativity, but to laugh on everything that the negative voice is telling to you.
  • If you do something for the first time, you should think like you've done that before !
 People are generally scared of new things, so if they do something for the first time, they usually don't achieve success. So, trick your mind, close your eyes and think like you've done that thing successfully in the past. You should feel the excitement in advance of finishing that task successfully!
  • Find person with big self-confidence, and try to learn something from him !
DON'T TRY TO IMITATE that person, but try to focus on finding what is that thing that makes him finishing everything very easy, which beliefs she/he has, her/his qualities, attitudes, etc... If you are able to talk to the person, feel free to ask him whatever you are interested in.
  • Act like you already have those qualities / properties that you wanna achieve / have !
Ask yourself, how it would be, how would you feel, what would you do, how would you talk, what properties would you have if you already have that great self-confidence. DO THIS EVERY DAY, and you will notice day by day that you have, actually, stopped pretending and that you actually have all that self-confidence.
  • Project yourself in the future and ask yourself if the problem you are facing is really that scary as you were thinking !
 Imagine yourself far in the future and ask yourself, how important it is some situation from the past (the problem/situation that now you are scared of). I am sure that you won't be even able to remember that situation from the past.
  • If you hesitate or rounding around about doing something, chances are around 100% that you won't do it !
How do you know that you have succeeded if you never tried of doing something?  For succeeding and getting something, you must risk and sacrifice something! Don't be shy to ask about something that you need. Actually keep challenging yourself to ask things that you are usually afraid or shy of asking ! If you keep working on that, people will actually start answering in your questions and demands. It's very important to be strong and never give up !
  • Try to not push your mood into happiness whole the time and don't try to feel good all the time !

Think a bit for a moment and check which things makes you happy and feel good. Then focus on those things and try to practice them as much as you can ! Example and my advice of those things would be: listening music, thinking of happy moments from your past, thinking about wonderful moments with someone that you love and care about, etc... Those things will make you feel happy and good in your skin.
  • Don't try to watch every step of you, and everything you do.
Trying to keep guard on yourself for what you do all the time will make your self-confidence even lower and will give you even bigger troubles than before. Instead of keep watching yourself and thinking about yourself, find something that you can watch and observe every day. The important thing is to keep your attention off you.  One more important thing is try to not get bored, because then you gonna start thinking about yourself. Find something that will keep your attention focused, that will make you happy while you do that, so you don't have much time for thinking about yourself, for example, read books, play some games, call some friend and go for some coffee to chat a bit, or some similar things that fit your lifestyle.
  • Don't take negative criticism from others (and from you) for granted all the time !
Don't forget that people with high self-confidence are not perfect either... NO ONE IS PERFECT ! Maybe you keep thinking with negativity about yourself but don't forget that, thinking negative about yourself is already destroying your picture about yourself even more. When you start thinking negative about yourself, keep reminding yourself that, everything is not that black, and that won't be that bad always. Things will turn out better, BELIEVE IN THAT !
  • When you achieve or succeed in something, don't behave like you had luck, like it was accident, or something similar !
Try to be thankful to yourself that you've succeed in something, that you achieved something, with your talents and your skills. Start to believe in yourself and give greater value to your talents and skills. And in other side, when you fail at doing something, don't make drama out of that, we know that its temporary, and that if you've learned anything out of that, you gonna do it better next time and you will 100% succeed in same thing in the future !

Advices written here were made to answer the question How Do I Get Confidence... and you must make a Exercise Routine and PRACTICE THEM every day constantly in order to improve yourself and to prove yourself that you are actually a successful in everything you do ! You must make training workout schedule about these advices, you can even put them on sticker and read them every day on regular basis. 

If you have any question about anything connected to What is Confidence, How Do i Do Will Stronger, Getting confidence or something similar, or if you have any criticism, advice, or some question for me... please let me know via Comment option bellow or Message me on my email:
Thank you for reading this and i wish you good luck in your life with your new claimed self-confidence ;)

More Articles to Read:
1. Home Page
4. Facebook Fan Page: What is Confidence, How Do i Do Will Stronger, How Can i Get Confidence .

Also if you want to read more about how to get fit to perfect body shape Continue Reading here:
1. Home Page
2. Five steps to get Perfect Body Shape Easy and without much effort.
3. Easy Workouts for Perfect Body Shape.
4. Law of Attraction - How to attract anything you like or just How to Look Perfect in eyes of the others
5. Facebook Fan Page: How to Make Perfect Body, Workout Exercises, Advices and Fat Solutions

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